Teachers Training
Teaching this work is a path of mastery (the ability to
physically embody the 5Rhythms), integrity (proper training and
preparation to facilitate this healing practice) and humility
(knowing that teaching is but a lifetime commitment to being a
This training is a profound initiation in preparation to lead
people in the 5Rhythms practice. It's an intensive, year-long
process that includes 3 training modules with Gabrielle and
faculty, as well as interim projects and community service.
A deep exploration of the healing power of the Wave will be the
continuous pulse that beats throughout the year of training. Each
module will also have a specific focus designed to prepare you to
teach this practice.
Teaching this work is a demanding mistress: only the passionate
need apply! Beside the obvious investment of time and money to
become a teacher, the training journey can be a wild ride through
ecstatic trance, painful ego cramps, amazing international
community, palm-sweating self doubts, blessed mistakes and deep
service. If the list makes you groan, we urge you to take another
breath, and consider whether teaching is truly your path. It’s
important to know the difference between love of the work and a
true calling to hold the space for others. The calling you hear
might be simply to dive into the work as deeply and as often as
possible. Listen carefully – only you know.
The path to becoming a teacher is, by nature, a feminine path. A
list of required workshop experience is, by nature, a linear
expression of this path. The prerequisites were articulated to
help people understand the absolute minimum level of experience
that, if done with complete and utter surrender, could potentially
prepare one to train as a teacher. It is not a list of workshops
to be checked off and then assume one is ready. One could attend
all the required workshops and be no more prepared than when they
Preparing oneself to teach this work is a serious matter, and each
prerequisite itself exists for specific reasons:
On this path, we encourage you to work with one or two primary
teachers, as well as expose yourself to the work of other
teachers. You will learn different things from each of them, and
breathe in different ways of being in the body and being a
teacher. To teach, you need to be yourself. In this tribe, we
respect and prize difference. Having many teachers helps you let
go of any single image of a teacher – which will hopefully free
you to find your own individual style.
It is also essential that you find your way to studying with
Gabrielle as much as possible before you apply for training.
Having a relationship with Gabrielle helps you understand the work
you’re undertaking, and helps her to see and know you before the
teaching journey begins.
When you move deeply, any corner of your psyche can be swept
into motion onto the dance floor. This training requires that you
have had as much opportunity as possible for this to happen. You
need to have experienced the struggle between movement and
paralysis, between resistance and surrender. You need to have
discovered how it is to let go and have the dance hold all of your
breaking heart, all of your joy and jubilation. And this takes
time. This requires that you show up again and again, year after
year, in all states and stages of your journey. If you have not
moved in these realms yourself, how can you hope to help others
when they hit these crucial moments?
Yes, you need to know your own heart. You need to know the
movement of its energy. What happens when your students get angry
at each other, or at you? What happens when your students get
stuck in fear or paralyzed with grief? Your own heart will need to
be fluid, to have space and motion in it. While you are not going
to teach Heartbeat material, your heart must always be there in
the room, present and available. Students will always find a way
to mirror back to us exactly where our own hearts are still stuck
or closed, and of course, those places where our hearts are open
and full.
And what happens when the student who is angry with you reminds
you of your mother? Or a student is grieving the death of their
own father and you haven’t spoken to yours for 10 years? What
about the elder approaching their own death cycle who shows up in
a room full of 20-somethings who can dance all night? The work of
knowing and understanding the life cycles is crucial. They will
come right up in front of you as you witness your students, and
you must know how to recognize and honor them.
There are few more efficient ways than teaching to bring up the
monsters of your own ego. And in order for this work to be led by
the soul, it is essential that it be delivered by those who have
done enough work to know their own ego characters, to know when
they are triggered, to know the many sneaky yet predictable moves
these characters will make. It is not required that you be
ego-less (impossible) or completely healed (unlikely) to do the
training. It is, however, essential that you do the Mirrors work
again and again until you are familiar enough with the movement of
your own ego to know when it’s in the room or trying to teach the
To be a 5Rhythms teacher is to be a real, vulnerable, full-blooded
human being who has moved enough of their own baggage to accompany
others on their journeys.
The prerequisites are not there as barriers for you to get through
or leap over. They are not there to be rushed through as quickly
as you can. They are there to slow you down enough to see where
you are and where you’re going, to prepare you for teaching as
deeply and fully as possible by entering your own journey through
the dance.
The following are the minimum number of hours needed to apply.
In most cases preference will be given to those who have spent the
longest time practicing.
WAVES: at least 400 hours
studying with qualified teachers of the 5Rhythms®.
HEARTBEAT: a minimum of 15
days of study
CYCLES: a minimum of 15
days of Cycles study
MIRRORS: A minimum of 10
days of Mirrors study, and preferably more.
A minimum of 2 years
studying this practice.
A complete list of trained teachers around the world whose
classes and workshops can be used for your preparation study is
included on this site.
Write to our office at info@movingcenterschool.com for a full
application packet.

Du kan læse meget mere om The Gabrielle
Roth 5 Rhythms™, workshops, bøger, musikudgivelser etc. på:
"Den hurtigste måde at stilne sindet, er at
bevæge kroppen"
Gabrielle Roth |
Gabrielle Roth er moderen til rytmerne og
har skrevet 3 gode og humoristiske bøger om de 5 rytmer,
hendes eget liv og bevægelse som spirituel praksis.

The 5 Threads of Intuitive Wisdom
Publisher: Jeremy P. Tarcher
ISBN: 1585423270
- bevæg dig og bliv bevæget
Det er muligt at købe bogen på vores Waves aftener og
workshops -
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Bevægelsens healende kraft
Originaltitel: Maps to Ecstasy – A Healing Journey for the
Untamed Spirit
208 sider Revideret udgave
Borgen |